Division of Epidemiology

Staff list

Head of Division

Professor Mark Bronsvoort

Personal Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology

Group Leaders/Career Track Fellows

NameRoleResearch Interests
Prof. Lisa BodenHead of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Dean of Veterinary Medicine 
Dr Helen BrownCore Scientist (Statisician)

To date my main research interest has been in mixed (or multilevel) models. These involve identifying and accounting for sources of variation and correlation structures in the data and offer potential advantages over conventional modelling methods including: improved efficiency, more appropriate variances and correlations, wider inference and offer the potential to overcome problems caused by missing data.

At The Roslin Institute my research will involve providing the statistical contribution to collaborative scientific research using a range of methods and developing novel statistical approaches to particular problems arising where appropriate. I expect to develop my research in mixed models further in addressing applications arising within the Institute.

Dr Deborah HoyleLecturerMolecular epidemiology of zoonotic and emerging pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, disease surveillance and control, One Health.
Professor Rowland KaoChair of Veterinary Epidemiology and Data Science 
Lu LuCareer Track Fellow 
Prof Samantha LycettPersonal Chair in Pathogen PhylodynamicsPathogen Phylodynamics - evolution and epidemiology of viruses and bacteria using bayesian and machine learning methods.
Stella MazeriChancellor's Fellow 
Dr Adrian MuwongeBBSRC Future Leader Fellow