A closer look at the Roslin Institute's aquaculture facilities. Aquaculture Genetics Research Facility Roslin's state-of-the-art aquarium, equipped with hatchery and disease challenge facilities, is integral to our groundbreaking research. Aquatic Invertebrate System (AIS) Our exciting new aquarium system can hold prawns, oysters, mussels and many other aquatic invertebrates. Above, you'll find links to pages containing information about the aquaculture facilities based out of the Roslin Institute. These facilities are of vital importance to the research we undertake into species such as salmonids, tilapia, oysters, and shrimp. Many of these pages are still in development due to ongoing projects at the Roslin Institute, and we look forward to sharing more information and photos from the facilities with you soon! You can find more information about the work we do via our Research page. This article was published on 2024-09-02