
Key publications from the Grey Lab

Human cytomegalovirus evades ZAP detection by suppressing CpG dinucleotides in the major immediate early 1 gene

Lin YT, Chiweshe S, McCormick D, Raper A, Wickenhagen A, DeFillipis V, Gaunt E, Simmonds P, Wilson SJ, Grey F (PLoS Path 2020)

Asparagine deprivation causes a reversible inhibition of Human Cytomegalovirus acute virus replication

Lee C, Griffiths S, Digard P, Pham N, Auer M, Haas J, Grey F (mBio 2019)

Parasite specific 7SL-derived small RNA is an effective target for diagnosis of active trypanosomiasis infection

Chiweshe S, Steketee P, Jayaraman S, Paxton E, Neophytou K, Erasmus H, Labuschagne M, Cooper A, MacLeod A, Grey F, Morrison L (PLoS NTD 2019)

Identification of Host Factors Involved in Human Cytomegalovirus Replication, Assembly, and Egress Using a Two-Step Small Interfering RNA Screen

Chiweshe S, Steketee P, Jayaraman S, Paxton E, Neophytou K, Erasmus H, Labuschagne M, Cooper A, MacLeod A, Grey F, Morrison L (PLoS NTD 2019)

The host ubiquitin-dependent segregase VCP/p97 is required for the onset of human cytomegalovirus replication

Lin YT, Prendergast J, Grey F (PLoS Pathog 2017)

Systematic MicroRNA Analysis Identifies ATP6V0C as an Essential Host Factor for Human Cytomegalovirus Replication

Pavelin J, Reynolds N, Chiweshe S, Wu G, Tiribassi R, Nelson J, Grey F (PLoS Pathog 2013)

A Viral microRNA Down-Regulates Multiple Cell Cycle Genes through mRNA 5′UTRs

Grey F, Tirabassi R, Meyers H, Wu G, McWeeney S, Hook L, Nelson, J A (PLoS Pathog 2010)​​​​​​

A Human Cytomegalovirus-Encoded microRNA Regulates Expression of Multiple Viral Genes Involved in Replication

Grey F, Meyers H, White EA, Spector DH, Nelson J (PLoS Pathog 2007)