Jernej Bubnič

Visiting PhD student

Research at the Highlander Lab

Main topic

Influence of environment and genotype on the coloration of Carniolan honey bee and use of coloration as a selection criterion in a breeding programme.


  1. Ecophysiological experiment and development of a tool for quantifying abdominal coloration
  2. Correlating introgression of Italian honey bee to Carniolan honey bee on genome level with abdominal coloration
  3. Simulation of a breeding programme with regard to abdominal coloration as a sign of subspecies hybridisation


I have a master's degree in veterinary medicine, and with my PhD project I am on a way to become a geneticist.                  

Jernerj Bubnic

Specific Interests

  • Honey bee breeding programmes
  • Honey bee quantitative genetics​​​​​
  • Simulations 

Programming language and software

Beginner in R​​​​​​

Hobbies and personal interests

I love cycling and other outdoor sports. I am also a beekeeper and love gardening.

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