Post-doc Research at the Highlander LabI am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working on the Born2Guide project, where we will develop a Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS) strategy and framework for routine implementation and downstream genomic selection of guide dogs.GoalsObtain whole-genome sequences for breeding dogs;Develop sequencing and imputation strategies for the rest of the population;Produce method pipelines for routine genomic data collection and analysisBackgroundhave a PhD from the Centre of Genetic Improvement of Livestock at the University of Guelph. I focused on novel approaches to improve the selection of fertility and reproduction in dairy cattle. Specific InterestsAnimal breedingGenomics Novel traitsProgramming language and softwareR and RStudioF90 family software PythonHobbies and personal interestsCooking and bakingReadingYoga and pilates CanyoningKayaking Relevant Links GitHub Twitter ORCID LinkedIn This article was published on 2024-09-02