
Topical issues under the spotlight, with perspective from our researchers.

Two cownose rays

Scientific insights support conservation and management of rays and marine ecosystems worldwide.

Supporting fish farmers through informed breeding

Research and training are helping Ugandan tilapia farmers improve breeding by combining modern genetic tools with traditional practices.

Specialist aquarium enables research towards managing common infections in prawns, oysters, mussels and more. 

Efforts to develop a field-side test for animal trypanosomiasis could transform management of the common, costly infection in smallholder farms. 

Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes collates a diverse body of work in a profile of scientific research. 

Damaging, long-term outbreak highlights need for scientific interventions to track and target disease in poultry.

£1.7m study aims to identify genetic mechanisms that could make Atlantic salmon resistant to a key parasite.

Specialist scientific instruments enable discovery-led studies.

Pigs with genes linked to microvascular disease offer critical insight into how the condition affects humans.

Genetic analysis of infections can be applied to trace cattle disease outbreaks over space and time.

Caring for smallholder livestock brings challenges in contrast with those found in industrialised production.

Scientists will generate resources based on genetic data to support sustainable food production for a growing population.

Developing novel ways to refine, reduce and replace the use of animals in research and enhance animal and human health.

Developments in genetics are helping to meet the challenge of producing farmed fish and shellfish, to provide nourishment to many.

Understanding disease resistance, infection, innate and vaccine-based immunity.

Imports of chlorine-washed poultry could impact on UK quality standards.

The global effort to tackle Covid-19 has underscored the strength of collaboration and a broad research base.

Insights from investigating the microorganisms living in cows, sheep, chickens and bees.

Knowledge and understanding of genes and genetics are key to developing healthy, productive animals.

Understanding the challenges of managing livestock in tropical climates, and harnessing ways of optimising health and productivity.