News articles released by The Roslin Institute in 2018. 2018 at The Roslin Institute A busy year filled with news-worthy research, awards, scientific and public events, training courses and more. Students get stuck into workshops at Science Outreach Centre Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre gives school pupils and community groups hands-on experience in a real laboratory setting. The genes linked to red hair Scientists have discovered genes linked to red hair, helping to solve a mystery of how redheads inherit their flaming locks. New award boosts research into intestinal disease New half million pound project may help to develop new therapeutics to treat certain intestinal diseases. Visit to India focus on data-driven innovation Data-driven innovation in healthcare and agritech are the focus of visit by Scottish Government and Universities to India. Study could explain higher rates of human E. coli infection in Scotland A subtype of E. coli O157 found in cattle may be responsible for higher rates of severe human infection in Scotland, report suggests. Gene study boosts bid to keep British bees safe from disease Researchers mapped the entire make-up of honey bees in the UK and the organisms that live inside them. Active immune system worsening liver disease in dogs A new study has found that the high concentration of ammonia in dogs with liver disease causes increased levels of inflammation. Tumour immune cells could aid cancer therapies A pioneering technique designed to identify the range of immune cells in a tumour could speed the development of cancer treatments. First Minister opens innovation hub on campus Nicola Sturgeon has formally opened the Roslin Innovation Centre on Easter Bush Campus and visited the Science Outreach Centre. App to combat rabies reaches over 1.5 million entries Mission Rabies app - used to direct teams in numerous rabies control campaigns - has reached over 1.5 million data entries in 16 countries. Global bid to decode DNA of all life on Earth Experts have joined a bid to examine the genetic code of all 1.5 million animals, plants and other forms of life on Earth. Baby-naming trends reveal ongoing quest for individuality Choosing a baby's name that is distinctive is becoming harder, research reveals. Briefing on African Swine Fever Roslin scientists provide information on this contagious and untreatable virus that is affecting pig populations globally. Vaccine shows promise against widespread chicken disease A new vaccine strategy could offer protection to millions of chickens threatened by a serious respiratory disease. Open Day embraces scientists of all ages Easter Bush Campus Open Day drew nearly 800 people to meet researchers and vets and learn about their work in animal health and genetics. New Gene ATLAS to facilitate search within UK Biobank Scientists have developed an atlas of genetic associations with data from over 452,000 individuals. Comment on BSE case in Aberdeenshire Following recent reports of a case of BSE at a farm in Aberdeeenshire, Professor Neil Mabbott provides information about the disease. Diversity is key for sustainable chicken farming in Ethiopia Adopting a more local and flexible approach could be key to boosting small-scale chicken production in Ethiopia, study finds. Scientific breakthrough could explain how superbugs rapidly evolve New study reveals how bacteria evolve rapidly and will help to understand how they become antibiotic resistant. Step forward in deciphering how our genes are controlled A protein (CFP1) known to regulate a class of genes also targets another, unexpected class of genes, to switch them on, scientists found. Collaboration to support fish breeding in Brazil Vito Mastrochirico Filho is visiting us from Brazil to develop tools for improvement of native fish species in Brazil for the first time. Dr Pip Beard is awarded prestigious Lectureship and medal Dr Pip Beard has been awarded the 2018 Journal of Comparative Pathology Plenary Lectureship and J. McFadyean medal. Novel method to monitor blood flow in pregnant pigs Scientists developed new ultrasound method to monitor umbilical blood flow in the pig at multiple stages of pregnancy. Body's stem cells could be used to treat bacterial infection Scientists found that Mesenchymal Stem Cells from horses naturally produce molecules that can fight bacterial infection. Predicting lifelong health and productivity of cattle Scientists found that microRNA levels in the blood could be used to predict the future health and productivity of dairy cattle. Prestigious fellowship to investigate Influenza A virus Dr Elly Gaunt has been awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship of over a million pounds to investigate Influenza A virus. Times Higher Education nomination for metagenomics research Research into metagenomics and methane emissions has been shortlisted for a Times Higher Education award. New videos: Genetic modification for animal health Researchers at The Roslin Institute explain what transgenesis is and its potential applications for animal health. Imaging advance to speed quest for cell therapies Cancer treatments that involve transplanting cells into patients could move forward faster thanks to a new imaging system. Superbug discovery renews hope for antibiotic treatment Bacteria that were thought to be resistant to a powerful antibiotic may be susceptible to treatment after all, research has found. Midlothian Council visit the Institute to discuss research and outreach Midlothian Council representatives visit the Institute to see how research and public outreach can benefit the region and local communities. Gene expression response to sea lice in salmon skin Scientists have identified gene expression responses that may help understand why some salmon are more resistant to sea lice than others. Video: Prions - ninja pathogens and immune system hijackers Professor Neil Mabbott shows how prions exploit the immune system to infect the body and how to stop them from causing brain disease. Edinburgh to host World One Health Congress Edinburgh secures prestigious "World One Health Congress" in 2020, following a competitive bid process. Principal's Medal for Roslin team Leaders of The Roslin Institute’s Athena SWAN application win 2018 Principal’s Medals of the University of Edinburgh. Ideas Become Legend: achievements with an impact This week we are taking part in the VisitScotland’s Legends campaign, showcasing Edinburgh’s strength in the life sciences section. Partnership boosts cystic fibrosis therapy bid Experts at Edinburgh are teaming up with leading figures from industry to advance development of a gene therapy for cystic fibrosis. New blood test for liver disease in dogs Dogs set to benefit from simple blood test to spot liver disease. New video: Gus McFarlane on the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editor An animation to show how the genome editing tool CRISPR works. Science Insights for 40 high school pupils High school pupils spent a week at all five research institutes of the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. UK's Chief Veterinary Officer visits the Institute Christine Middlemiss, the UK’s chief spokesperson on animal health and welfare issues, visited the Institute to hear about our research. Sad news: Paul Hocking We are sad to announce that our former colleague Paul Hocking passed away on 26 July 2018. New videos: Advantages and potential of gene editing Researchers at The Roslin Institute explain what gene editing is, how it works and the advantages of using this tool. Gene study pinpoints superbug link between people and animals The study revealed that each time the bacteria jumps species, it acquires new genes that enable it to survive in its new host. New video: Dr Simon Lillico on uses of gene editing In this new video and animation, Dr Simon Lillico explains how gene editing was used to make pigs resistant to billion dollar disease. Gene-edited pigs are resistant to billion dollar virus, study finds Scientists have produced pigs that can resist one of the world's most costly animal diseases, by changing their genetic code. Importance of livestock-derived foods in the first 1,000 days of life The report highlights that there is great potential for food produced from livestock to contribute to better health in low-income populations. Martin Whitfield MP visits the Institute and Science Outreach Centre Martin Whitfield MP was shown the work conducted at The Roslin Institute and the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre. Carnevale at The Roslin Institute The exhibit "CARNEVALE" by artist Andrea Roe, which explores pigs' enthusiasm for investigative play, is now at The Roslin Institute. Members of the Scottish Parliament visit the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre Liz Smith MSP and Oliver Mundell MSP visited the Institute to learn how we connect school pupils with our research via our Outreach Centre. Gene expression and sex differences New study explores sex differences in the expression of genes which are involved in the control of food intake and body weight in chickens. Royal visit to Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited the new Science Outreach Centre on our campus, meeting our staff, students and visiting school pupils. Workshop shows commitment to make Goa rabies free First Stepwise Approach to Rabies Elimination Workshop in India shows commitment of the Government of Goa towards rabies freedom. Royal launch for new sculpture and buildings on Campus Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited our Campus for the launch of a sculpture by the creator of The Kelpies and new buildings. New poultry facility in Ethiopia explores genetic diversity Art and science unite to serve Ethiopian farmers — "Incubated Worlds" explores genetic diversity of poultry to boost nutrition and incomes. Key drivers of the immune response of wild animals Scientists identified the most important factors in allowing an animal to withstand infection and disease. Dolly scientist backs drive to tackle Parkinson's Professor Sir Ian Wilmut – who led the team that created Dolly the sheep – has backed an initiative to tackle Parkinson’s disease, after being diagnosed with the condition. Egg study may improve food safety Scientists are leading research to minimise the spread of bacterial diseases such as E.coli in eggs. Pathway modelling helps understand structure and function of biological systems New pathway modelling approach combines biologist-friendly graphical notation system, flow simulation algorithm and advanced visualisations. UKRI-BBSRC Council members appointed Council members of BBSRC have been confirmed by the board of UK Research and Innovation. The animal feelgood factor New research investigates connections between animals’ emotions and welfare. DNA study of cow stomachs could aid meat and dairy production Meat and milk production from cattle could one day be boosted, thanks to analysis of microbes in cows’ stomachs. Miles Briggs MSP visits Edinburgh Genomics at The Roslin Institute Miles Briggs MSP visited The Roslin Institute and the Edinburgh Genomics next generation sequencing facility to underline his support for advanced genomics technologies. New grant to improve hen health and productivity Scientists at Roslin and two other institutions receive funding from FFAR to improve health and productivity of egg-laying hens. Novel sequencing approach to study Salmonella survival in cattle Researchers have developed a new sequencing method to study the survival of different Salmonella serovars simultaneously in cattle. Bill Gates and Secretary of State visited the Easter Bush Campus The event included showcasing of work on improving livestock production in Africa and the announcement of a £4 million boost from the UK Government. Cabinet Secretary visits Edinburgh Genomics at The Roslin Institute Shona Robison MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, visited Edinburgh Genomics at The Roslin Institute. Improving vaccines for the elderly by blocking inflammation By studying skin immunity decline in old age, researchers found that an anti-inflammatory pill could help make vaccines more effective in the elderly. Volunteers sought in hunt for genes linked to severe flu cases Volunteers are being invited to take part in a flu study to understand why some people are more susceptible to the virus than others. This article was published on 2024-09-02