Survey for dairy farmers in effort to improve diagnostic techniques for cattle

Scientists launch a survey for dairy farmers to inform research studies aiming at improving diagnostics for cattle pregnancy and disease.

Group of cows of different colours

Scientists at The Roslin Institute, in partnership with AbascusBio, have launched a survey to capture farmer perspectives on current diagnostic technology/techniques used for pregnancy, fertility, mastitis, and metabolic disorders.

Questions assess preferences for price, sample type, and timing, to determine the practical and profitable needs within farming businesses.

Results of the survey will be used to inform current and future studies by research at The Roslin Institute aimed at developing novel diagnostics for early pregnancy, infertility, mastitis and metabolic disease in cows with significantly better accuracy and reliability than currently available tests.

Completion of the online survey will take approximately 10 minutes and it is available until 13pm on 28th February at .

This survey is part of a project funded by the UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

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AbacusBio International Ltd

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