PhD Students

Academy staff are associated with several students registered at other Universities - this lists only those with formal University of Edinburgh registration.

NameThesis title
Aoife BehanExamining the key barriers, levers and incentives to food procurement in order to embed sustainable farming and consumption practices
Kirsty BlairLivestock Futures: The role of framing in informing transformational pathways
Apisit BoupaiDoes crop genotype utilisation of soil organic matter lower greenhouse gas emissions from soil?
Beth BridgeExploring wood pastures in Scotland for biodiversity and society
Leslie CaiRegenerative grazing methods for N cycle soil management, biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions
Kaela ConnorsReducing red and processed meat consumption in Mexico for environmental and health benefits
Ros CraddockGeneral pedigree tracking of alleles causing hereditary disorders in dogs.
Jaime CuadrosSecuring the genetic future of the cosmopolitan Holstein dairy breed
Asa DantRegenerative agriculture - fix or fiction for soil health?
Martín Del Valle MenéndezGoverning agriculture for sustainable diets
Abdishakur DiriyeExploring innovative ways of access to and use of finances for pastoralists to cope with droughts.
Poppy FraterIs mob grazing beneficial for soil health and the environment?
Jillian GordonLivestock breeding goals & the environment
Kim HayAn investigation into genetic improvement of lamb survival and mothering behaviour in extensive sheep flocks
John HarveyReducing the growing environmental impact of feeding dogs and cats
Benjamin HorneSoil health in Nepal’s Terai region: exploring perceptions and practices
Deksha KapoorA Data-Driven, Community-Based Approach to Evaluating and Improving Scottish Food Environments
Jackson KilonziOptimizing agricultural inputs informed by soil health and the soil microbiome
April LiuEnvironmental, social, and corporate governance in Chinese food and agriculture
Abahan MajumdarImpacts of climate change on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics and crop productivity in the rice-based wetland agroecosystems in Bangladesh
Amy McGoohanOne Health Aquaculture: Healthy Food, Healthy Animals, Healthy Ecosystems
Patrick MinerModelling the human and environmental health potential from cutting 90% of cars in Edinburgh
Karla Molina GalindoGuatemalan Banana Plantations Transitioning From Traditional To Sustainable Farming Practices
Puff MukwayaEvaluating returns to climate emergency humanitarian early intervention.
Emma MutchApplication of random regression and genomic models to study growth curves in UK beef cattle and sheep and estimate Genotype x Environment interaction
John MutuaEstimating livestock diets in support of improved estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for the livestock sector – a case study in East Africa
Susan Njambi-SzlapkaAnticipating food crises in agro-pastoral communities – how can we provide effective early action
Ezekiel OkeleyeA breeding programme simulation software for aquaculture
Vinton Omaleki Food Security and European Roma Communities
Carys Redman-WhiteAntimicrobial use and resistance: modelling the animal-human interface
Alexandra SadlerInvestigating the distribution and exchange of agroecological products in South India
Aimen SattarModelling water saving behaviours in Egyptian agriculture
Aditya SinghA Data Ethics Framework for Agriculture
Nishmeet SinghUnderstanding and Improving Food Environments, Diets and Nutrition
Jacqueline Tereza Da SilvaComparing the economic, environmental and social impacts of baseline diets with less meat-heavy diets
Sirimon ThomasOperationalising One Health for early warning of food insecurity and socio-ecological system breakdown in northern Kenya
George TsitatiAssessing locally-led anticipatory action options to climate induced humanitarian crises in East Africa
Alexander VonderschmidtImpact on population and environmental health of the UK National Food Strategy goal for reducing meat
Alex MerringtonThe use of remote sensing to understand biodiversity mediated ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes
Diorbhail WentworthFacilitating the circular economy in India’s food security: the social, economic and agronomic barriers and opportunities of sewage
Chenzhe XuEvaluating the suitability of biochar amendments for soil improvement
Haosheng YangComposition-function relationship of soil microbial diversity for nutrient cycling under climate change
Han ZhengDo cover crops have a positive legacy for C and N cycling?