Information on the management, teaching, research, and administrative staff based at the Academy. NameRoleDr Katie AdamLecturer (C1) (ACAD - Lectureships)Dr Peter AlexanderSenior Lecturer in Global Food SecurityProfessor Liz BaggsDean of Research, College of Medicine & Veterinary MedicineSeda Battilanie-Learning DeveloperDr Alexa BellowsChancellor's FellowProf. Lisa BodenHead of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Dean of Veterinary MedicineDr Fiona BorthwickR(S)SVS Director of Post Graduate Teaching; R(D)SVS Associate Dean Internation; Programme Director for MSc in Global Food Security and NutritionDr Rafael De Oliveira SilvaLecturerProf. Alan DuncanVisiting Professor of Livestock & DevelopmentAfnan El GayarCore Scientist in Quantitative EpidemiologyDr Isabel FletcherResearcher in Social Science and Food SystemsDr Sarah FrankLecturer in data-driven innovation in nutrition and healthDr Alfy Gathorne-HardyInterdisciplinary Lecturer in Sustainable Resource UseLyndsey HayesCentre Administrator ManagerProf. Jonathan HillierChair of Mathematical Modelling & Global Food SystemsProf. Lindsay JaacksPersonal Chair of Global Health and NutritionDr Benjamin JacksonTechnical SpecialistDr Rowan JacksonLecturer in Planetary Health and Food SystemsProfessor Susan JarvisChair of Animal Welfare Science and Education, Director of Teaching, GAAFS, PGR Co-ordinator GAAFSNathan JensenResearch Lead for Jameel ObservatoryGordon LittlejohnProgramme AdministratorChristy MacleodProject Administrative AssistantHellen MbayaTeaching Fellow (Innovation)Cathy McLaughlinProject ManagerProf. Geraldine McNeillVisiting Professor of Global Nutrition and HealthDr Jess MitchellChancellors FellowNicole MollEPIC Knowledge Exchange and Communications OfficerProf. Dominic MoranProfessor of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsDr Pau NavarroSenior Lecturer in Quantitative GeneticsCynthia NaydaniTeaching Fellow in Planetary Health and One WelfareDr Judith OkothLecturer in Nutrition and Food SystemDr Oluyinka OpoolaDrylands Curriculum Mapping FellowAlison PattonAdministrative AssistantDr Kirsteen ShieldsSenior Lecturer in International Law and Food SecurityProfessor Geoff SimmDirector of the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, and Chair of Global Agriculture and Food SecurityDr Steph SmithLecturerProf. Joyce TaitFounding Director of the Innogen Centre/InstituteDr Smaragda TsairidouLecturer in Data-Driven Innovation and GeneticsDr Darren WattBusiness Manager This article was published on 2024-09-02