A list of potential funding sources that can be used to deliver enhance STEM in your school. The following are grants that primarily aim to support science education in school. The Royal Society Partnership Grants This grant allows schools to set up STEM projects for students aged 5-18. The grant requires both a school partner, that is a teacher or science technician, and a STEM partner. It gives the students the opportunity to learn about the latest research in STEM and gain a better understanding of STEM professionals. Grant amount: £3000 Contact Details: education@royalsociety.org / 020 7451 2531. STEM Grants for schools The grants, from the Royal Institution, are specially designed to enrich the educational experience of students and professional development of teachers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The grants may be awarded twice a year as well, which can be found in Ri’s education newsletter. Grant amount: up to £500 Conditions: select activity from the STEM Directory Contact details: stemgrants@ri.ac.uk / 020 7670 2904. This article was published on 2024-09-02