This year, we are delighted to be able to bring an online version of the Festival to Midlothian classrooms. The programme includes live online workshops, Meet our Scientist interactive virtual sessions, outdoor trails, teacher twilight sessions and a set of classroom resources from organisations doing innovative science right here on the doorstep of your school. Download and book now! AboutThe Midlothian Science Festival Schools Programme is run as part of the Midlothian Science Festival, a small Scottish charity. The schools programme is coordinated by the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre and is made possible by local scientists and STEM organisations that offer exciting, interesting and inspiring workshops for our Midlothian learners. The aim of the MSF Schools Programme is to:Inspire and engage Midlothian learners in science and discoveryTo cultivate curiosity and communicate the power of knowledge and creativity to change our world viewEncourage young people to understand real‐life application of science and issues of controversy so that they might become well informed citizens involved in decision makingRaise aspirations of local young people, give opportunities to meet and speak with scientists and help cultivate the next generation of scientific explorersThe programmeAll of the activities in this year's programme are offered free of charge and include live online workshops, Meet our Scientists interactive virtual sessions, family learning activities, teacher CLPL sessions and resources to use in your classroom. Book early to avoid disappointment.MSF 2021 Primary Schools ProgrammeMSF 2021 Secondary Schools Programme Other useful links:MSF Online ActivitiesMeet our Scientists- Ask your Questions Now! How to bookWe can only take bookings from Midlothian Council schools. (If you are not in Midlothian but like the look of the sessions, let us know as we will be running similar session in the near future!)Please note that there are a limited number of sessions, so book early to avoid disappointmentTo book please email the named contact for the workshop (listed for each workshop in the programme) If you have any general enquires about the programme you can contact Safeguarding PolicyYou can download a copy of our Online Safeguarding Position Statement and Code of Conduct for the Midlothian Science Festival Schools Programme:Online Safeguarding Position Statement & Code of Conduct This article was published on 2024-09-02