Liz Smith MSP and Oliver Mundell MSP visited the Institute to learn how we connect school pupils with our research via our Outreach Centre. On 29 May, Liz Smith MSP and Oliver Mundell MSP visited The Roslin Institute. Their visit focused on the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre (EBSOC) and its work with schools and other initiatives on campus to support young people. Image EBSOC is a teaching laboratory built to deliver interactive scientific workshops for school pupils from age 10 to 18 and members of the public. During school workshops, pupils get hands-on with real experiments in a fun way to learn about topics linked to the school curriculum and research and clinical work at the University of Edinburgh. EBSOC workshops are in high demand from both local and international schools and community groups, with a total of 19 schools and 860 participants since January. In addition to hands-on activities, EBSOC gives pupils the chance to meet researchers and vets working at the University. It also offers professional development opportunities for teachers. EBSOC activity is not limited to term time and the EBSOC team will be involved in several activities this summer. EBSOC will be hosting lab skills sessions for five local high school pupils based at The Roslin Institute for 4-week Nuffield Research Placements, delivering a workshop as part of the University of Edinburgh’s Widening Participation summer school programme and hosting fifth year high school students participating in the Science Insights programme. In October, EBSOC will be coordinating the Midlothian Science Festival Schools Programme, providing workshops and talks for primary and high schools across Midlothian. Liz Smith MSP and Oliver Mundell MSP also toured The Roslin Institute, finding out more about the Institute’s research as well as other activities on campus to support young people. They also visited the Roslin Innovation Centre, which provides laboratory and office space for animal and veterinary science start-up companies, and the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies on the growing Easter Bush Campus. We are delighted to welcome Liz Smith MSP and Oliver Mundell MSP to EBSOC and show them the facilities and activities we provide for primary and secondary schools in the region, across the UK and beyond. Working with our researchers and vets, we aim to make science engaging and fun for school pupils from all backgrounds, increasing their confidence and scientific skills and raising their aspirations to pursue scientific subjects and careers later in life. Dr Nicola StockPublic Engagement Officer, The Roslin Institute, Project Lead for EBSOC It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss initiatives on the Easter Bush Campus that support young people. We have Silver Investors in Young People Silver accreditation, and remain committed to providing opportunities and experience in order to develop the young workforce in Scotland. As such we will continue to support Apprenticeships, Career Ready and other initiatives for young people. Val Hughes-WhiteCampus Operating Officer Authored by Communications Officer at the Roslin Institute, Ines Crespo.