COP26 Project Science

We are excited to be celebrating COP26 with a climate change-themed science investigation project for 30 schools from across the Edinburgh City Region.

To celebrate the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) taking place in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November 2021, we have invited schools from the Edinburgh City Region (Edinburgh, Lothians, Borders and Fife) to take part in COP26 Project Science.

This project is for Second Level pupils and their teachers, and is based around the Big Balloon Blow Up, one of our Project Science investigations. The project aims to increase pupil and teacher confidence in using the scientific method, increase understanding of the scientific method and how it is used by local scientists, improve data handling skills, and increase awareness of contemporary research and its links to combatting climate change.

The Big Balloon Blow-Up is linked to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence Second Level Es&Os for Science, Literacy and Numeracy. You can find more details, along with the learning aims and objectives of the investigation, by clicking here. 


What's included?
The Big Balloon Blow-Up digital resources
  • Pupil worksheet for each learner to follow and document their investigation
  • Teaching Guide to provide support and information for teachers using the kit. Includes information on the scientific method, how to support pupils to ask and answer their own scientific questions, links to research about climate change happening at the University of Edinburgh, health and  safety considerations, and terms and conditions of use.
  • Class Presentation to support pupils and teachers to use the investigation pack and explore COP26 themes linked to real-life research in Scotland.
  • Real-Life Research Case Study to be used to talk about the real-world research addressing the contribution of livestock to greenhouse gases.
  • Data handling activity to be used to integrate numeracy and show the application of numerical concepts in a real-world content 
Experimental materials Each school taking part will receive a COP26-themed Big Balloon Blow Up reusable toolkit which has a value of £100, free of charge, which includes everything required for all of your Second Level pupils to carry out the practical investigation. The kits will remain with the school as a resource that we hope will support your hands-on science activity in future years. We suggest that World Environment Day (5 June) would be a useful focus for repeat activity in future years.
Teacher CLPL Event On Thursday 28 October 2021 3:30pm - 5pm we will host an online teacher CLPL event for all Second Level teachers taking part in the project.
Project Celebration Event On Wednesday 1 December 2021 11am - 11:45am we will host an online celebration event for all pupils and teachers taking part in the project.

Since we expect a high number of applications, schools that have all of their P5 - P7 classes taking part will be prioritised, as will schools located in areas of rural isolation or socio-economic deprivation.

We expect that schools selected for the project will participate fully in all activities, including attending the CLPL session and celebration event, completing evaluation forms and submitting photos for the celebration video (see below for more information on photo use and safeguarding). 


What are the important dates for my diary?

Teacher CLPL Event

Thursday 28 October 2021 3:30pm - 5pm: Online teacher CLPL event for all Second Level teachers taking part in the project.

Pupil Investigations

Friday 29 October – Friday 24 November: Classes carry out investigations, teachers take photos and submit them for the celebration video to be shown at the Celebration Event

Celebration Event

Wednesday 1 December 2021 11am - 11:45am: Online celebration event for all pupils and teachers taking part in the project. The celebration video will be shown at this event and posted on social media via @EBSOClab and @roslininstitute


Schools will be informed of the results of their application by Friday 1 October 2021. If successful you will receive your COP26 Project Science toolkit between 11 and 22 October 2021.  


How do I apply?

Applications are now closed.