Agritech is short for 'agricultural technology' - but what does it mean? Digital Agriculture (Agri-tech) uses data technologies, combining AI, robotics, and biotech, along with local and global data on livestock, food species, disease state, soil conditions, weather patterns, and more, to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability while reducing emissions. Related Terms Definitions Livestock and Animals All types used in livestock production or in veterinary care –pigs, sheep, cows, poultry, ducks, Dogs, cats, bees, insects etc Aquaculture Any fish such as salmon, tilapia, tuna etc, any invertebrate such as shrimp, mussels, oyster, coral etc, sea/ocean/water/blue health etc Food and Crops Eggs, any crops such as wheat, rice etc, any vegetables, any meat, any fish, any fungi etc One Health Diseases Any disease which moves from animal to human or vice versa – eg: e-coli, staphylococcus, flu and covid, salmonella, BSE, foot and mouth disease, ringworm etc Biomedical Models Any model of treatment which can be applied to both animals and humans. Most bioscience is applied to models in animals before moving to human trials e.g.: cancer sensor technologies, stem cell treatment, improved resuscitation care, improved imaging techniques etc This article was published on 2024-09-02