In addition to the programme's core teaching staff, we also have a number of internationally recognised experts in their field contributing to the teaching of many aspects of the programme. Programme teamDr Victoria SandilandsProgramme Director and Lecturerview research profileDr Salvatore GalganoProgramme Co-ordinator and Lecturerview research profileBrian MatherE Learning Developerview research profileStavriana MantiProgramme Administrator Teaching staff and course organisersViola FarciCourse leader for Poultry Housing and Environment Dr Victoria SandilandsCourse organiser for Poultry Behaviour and Welfare in Commercial Production Systemsview research profileDr Salvatore GalganoLecturer, SRUCview research profileMr Bill MackayCourse leader for Poultry Business Managementview research profileMargo Chase-ToppingCourse organiser for Research Methods and Data Analysis (Poultry)view research profileDr Farina KhattakCourse organiser for Poultry Feed and Nutritionview research profileMatthew BalfourCourse organiser for Poultry Anatomy & Health Dr Kellie WatsonCourse organiser for Poultry Breeding and Geneticsview research profileStaff profiles A-ZSearch an A to Z list of the school's staff profiles:A-Z staff list This article was published on 2024-09-02